Thursday, August 28, 2008

McSextuple Whammy

And from

But McCain's age is no joke. He will turn 72 on Friday and would be halfway to 73 if elected and sworn in on January 20. That would make him the oldest first-term President ever, two years older than Ronald Reagan. He has survived four skin cancers (melanomas), including one in 2000 that was classified as Stage IIa.

McCain is two years older than his father was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. He is 11 years older than his grandfather was when he died suddenly of a heart attack at age 61.

The United States cannot afford the risk that McCain would die suddenly in the middle of an international crisis.

Actually, depending on who's his veep, it might not be a bad thing...

Nor can we afford the risk of dementia. 22% of Americans over 70 are affected by mild cognitive impairment, while 13% of Americans over 65 have Alzheimer's. Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at age 83, but early signs were evident during his first term. Britain's "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher developed dementia at age 75.

Prescriptions can also adversely affect mental function. McCain takes Simvastatin, an arthritis drug that can cause memory loss. McCain also takes Ambien to sleep, which can cause amnesia and "fugue states" like the one that caused Rep. Patrick Kennedy's late-night car crash. If the phone rang at 3 a.m., would McCain even wake up?

McCain's medical records are not available to physicians. He did not "release" them for the campaign; he only allowed hand-picked reporters to examine them quickly without making copies. And there were no results of an Alzheimer's test, because McCain has never had one - even though he has 6 of the 10 warning signs, including his inability to remember facts like the number of homes he owns or the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

John McCain owes America a thorough test for Alzheimer's and cognitive impairment long before Election Day.

He doesn't dare. Maybe he already had one and doesn't dare release the results.

Hmmmmm, let's see - PTSD, 6 out of 10 warning signs of senile dementia, prescription dope with odd mental side effects, past and probable future cancer, a family history of fatal heart attacks at ages younger than he is now, and a hot temper combined with poor judgment.

There's six chances that MCain would be either a less-than-one-term president or that he would be at the helm for a full-bore reef run for our country and the world. And not remember it the next day.

It only takes ONE of those. It's not the odds, which seem pretty good, that one or more may happen, it's the stakes.

No way, no how, no McCain.

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