Thursday, August 28, 2008

More Repug Racism

Raw Story
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A McCain ad aired on Fox News channel with the words "HANG" in the background along with a photograph of Barack Obama has sparked outrage after being noticed by a reporter at a local Fox television affiliate.

The words "HIGHER TAXES" are transposed on an image of Obama standing in front of a crowd. The background is blurred at the edges so that the words from Obama's signature theme -- change -- has been cut down to the word "HANG." The shot appears for about a second. You can watch the ad in its entirety below.

"Is this a coincidence?" one diarist wrote. "People spend hours and hours editing political ads, I really don't see how this could go unnoticed by the editors. Maybe they saw it and thought it wasn't noticeable or maybe they thought it wasn't important."

My bet is that the editors knew exactly what they were ordered to do and hoped that the message would be subliminal enough that no one would notice, but they left it in for just long enough to register on the conscious mind by mistake and got caught at it, ironically by a local FauxNews reporter. Denials all 'round, of course.

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