Monday, August 4, 2008

Prosecuting Bush and Cheney

The thought makes ya tingle all over, huh?


Last week two judges encouraged me to look to courts to help us recover from the damage done by an outlaw executive and a spineless corrupt legislature. The first was Bush-appointed federal Judge John Bates who ruled that people must comply with Congressional subpoenas even if they used to work for the president, and this because - you know - the law requires it. The second was Judge William Price in Iowa who was hearing the case of citizens arrested for trying to make a citizens' arrest of Karl Rove. When told what they had been trying to do, the judge said "Well, it's about time!" (my em)

Sort of makes you want to go out and arrest a war criminal or two, doesn't it? Here's how:

Lets go for it; war crimes trials could be more fun than impeachment!

Besides the usual suspects within the administration, there are the gutless cowards in congress that actually promoted and voted for war or if they were against it voted to continue funding for war and refused to hold anyone accountable as provided for in the Constitution; which includes most of my state congressional delegation of Arizona: starting with John McCain, John Kyle, my congressman Harry Mitchell, J D Hayworth, John Shadegg, Jeff Flake, Rick Renzi, Gabrille Giffords. Not to mention congressmen that know better and make a big deal about the constitution but refuse to call for impeachment because it might adversely affect their political career, thats right I mean Ron Paul!

Mabe we can't put all these scumbags on trial but it is time to start naming names and hold the collaboraters and enablers up to the ridicule they deserve!

Ridicule, shit. Let's lock 'em up and throw away the key.

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