Friday, October 24, 2008

About right ...

Avedon turned me on to this excellent post by Driftglass (yes, I state the obvious) about the 'independents' who are finally opening their eyes:

As we pick our way through the landscape of rubble, failure and debt that 30 years of Conservatism has left in it wake -- pushing our brooms and shaking our heads -- it is important to keep our sense of humor. And I gotta tell you, other than, say, Bill Kristol cranked to the gills on X trying desperately to lick peanut butter off of Bill O’Reilly’s bald spot, there is nothing funnier than watching a recently apostatized Conservative "independent" who Suddenly!Discovers! his Party is being run by degenerate lunatics going completely "Mercy land-sakes alive, where did alla these bah-barians evah come from!" apostal ™ .


Of course, as long as the Pig People were helping Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich win, "independents" like Larry were perfectly content to warm their little hands on the bonfires onto which their culture and country were being tossed. But now that its all going to shit, and the "independents" want to get off the merry-go-round, the devil wants his due.


Gotta go there for the best parts. As my pardner Gord would say: "This is today's must-read".

Off to Mother Cabrini's work ...

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