Friday, October 24, 2008

We is po' ...

So I'm cutting everything (except for the most expensive shit and the stuff that's important to the people I'm speaking to at the time):

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) frequently faults “wasteful spending” and “earmarks” as contributing to the current economic crisis, and has campaigned on a promise to take a “hatchet” to the federal budget and to impose a spending freeze on all non-essential government spending. However, the Wall Street Journal reports that, in an effort to court Florida voters, McCain has now pledged to increase funding for NASA, a major employer in the state ...

Let's see, cutting everything but healthcare, military, and vets' programs. Well, the military and Social Security make up nearly half the budget (Medicare and other health programs take up another 20%) and vets' programs cost so little, they don't even show up. Another 10% is spent on interest on our national debt. So what are ya gonna cut in the last 20% that's gonna balance the budget? Don't seem like there's enough there to make a dent, even if you cut it all out.

More horseshit plans from the McLame campaign that'll amount to nothing.

Great thanks to Scout Prime for the link.

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