Thursday, November 6, 2008

Accountability ...

Meteor Blades via Turkana:


That speech was meant to heal, to let the nation forgive and forget, but it did nothing of the sort because no strong mechanisms were put into place to ensure that domestic and international crimes would never again issue from the Oval Office and its delegates. In a few years, another administration came to power, new crimes were committed and exposed. No machinery was remade to curb future crimes. Eight years ago, yet another administration arrived, and soon, assisted by the most terrible assault on American soil in 60 years, in the name of patriotism and security, it empowered the executive branch in exactly the ways the Founders 200 years before had tried to obstruct.

These leaders have tortured the spirit and letter of the law to justify their torture of people, spread their bloody war doctrine in the name of vengeance, trashing the economy and generating fear and hatred more effectively than al Qaeda could ever dream of. They rode roughshod over the Constitution, concocted lies to underpin invasion, filled the federal justice system with partisan cronies and transformed the military-industrial-congressional complex into a more corrupt private-public partnership than ever before.


Much as I'm thrilled to shit that Barry won, this is something I'm gonna crawl up his ass about. It is not good enough just to get the Chimp and Cheney (and their henchmen) out, I want them to pay for what they've done to this country. I want them to be made example of, to send a message to anyone else who would attempt to subvert the dictates of the Founders. I will never be satisfied unless they all end up in jail.

The crimes committed over the past 8 years were done in our name and we will never regain our credibility until we tell the world, unequivocally, that we disapprove, abhor, and condemn it.

That said, it'll be nice to travel again and not have to apologize for the asshole we elected ... twice.

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