Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lest we forget ...

As Distributorcap says. "... those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it." He recaps the last 8 years in easy-to-read fashion:


February 2003 - Colin Powell goes before the United Nations and tells the world body that Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction.

March 2003 - America, under the leadership of a man who was perhaps AWOL during his military service - George Bush - invades Iraq. Bush tells people to carry on as usual.

May 2003 - "Mission Accomplished" - Bush declares victory while standing on an aircraft carrier. The press cheers.

July 2003 - "Bring 'em on"

February 2004 - Bush says he wants to have a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

March 2004 - Bush proves he is a comedian. At a dinner for the press corps, Bush jokes about not finding an WMDs in Iraq. "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be here somewhere" By now over 500 soldiers have been killed in Iraq fighting for his lies.

April 2004 - The abuses by the US Military at Abu Graihb prison in Iraq are revealed.

August 2004 - For third consecutive year, more Americans in poverty and without health insurance; national poverty rate hits 12.5 percent, 45 million people lack health coverage.


And that's just 18 months.

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