Thursday, November 6, 2008

Anti-Obama Bullshit Is Crankin' Up

I'm a little surprised it took this long after the election, but the Repugs are crankin' up the Smear Obama shit:

Raw Story

Barack Obama has not even been sworn in yet as the 44th president of the United States but groups are springing up online calling for his impeachment.

"There are a lot of Americans out there that do not fully understand the concept of Socialism or Communism which is why they've elected Obama as president," it says.

It decries that Obama "has voiced support for various unconstitutional programs such as the assault weapons ban, universal healthcare, and various schemes for wealth distribution."

"What are we going to do about it? IMPEACH HIM!" it says.

Obama still has some way to go, however, to equal the number of "Impeach George Bush" groups on Facebook, which lists at least 95 such groups with varying membership.

No wonder. Bush has a hell of an un-catchable head start on 'high crimes and misdemeanors'. Facebook, huh? Fuck 'book', hit Repugs in the 'Face'.


Though some conservatives are making conciliatory noises about Barack Obama now that the election is over, Jill Stanek is not among them. The former Illinois nurse, whose claims about a supposed rash of abortions of "born alive" babies at a Chicago hospital snowballed into the election-season charge that Obama supported "infanticide," wrote Thursday:

"Barack Obama was elected president despite the fact he supports abortion into the fourth trimester. [Ed. Note: Stanek uses "fourth trimester" deliberately to indicate abortions of children who are nevertheless "born alive."] Either the 63 million people voting for him didn't know about his radical record, which includes abandoning abortion survivors to die, didn't care, or didn't believe it."

Understandable. The only ones who heard about and believed it are the little voices in her head.

Because several "anti-life" ballot initiatives also passed on Tuesday, Stanek said to her World Net Daily audience that "we are fooling ourselves if we think the United States is still a Christian nation," adding: "Its people just elected a barbarian as president."

Nah, that was eight years ago.

What. A. Bunch. Of. Fucking. Morons.

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