Thursday, November 6, 2008

CA-04 Update

We got us a cliffhanger here in my congressional district.


As provisional and vote-by-mail ballots are counted, state Sen. Tom McClintock's (R-Thousand Oaks) lead in the 4th Congressional District widened slightly Thursday morning, up to about 640 votes ahead of Democrat Charlie Brown.

Still unclear was how many ballots remain to be counted; Brown said in a statement Wednesday that he believed as many at 40,000 ballots were still to be processed. Neither campaign has formally conceded or claimed victory as of yet.

Charlie's ahead by 15% in my county, but our district is effin' huge and pretty red. Go see Nevada and Butte Counties, two lovely little blue islands in a red ocean. Run your mouse over it for more details. At least -04 has two good brain cells.

From National Your district will be there too.

If Charlie Brown loses, it will be because the retards in my district would rather have a bad clown of a Repug than a good man.

McClintock is about to term-limit out in his current district near L.A. and carpetbagged his way up here so as not to get thrown off the gravy train.

In further election news of absolutely no importance anywhere but here, Jennifer Montgomery won a seat on the Placer County Board of Supervisors. She was Charlie's one-girl whirlwind up hyar in the high country in '06. That's in the next county over so I didn't get to vote for her. If I lived three blocks away, I would have. Congrats, Jen.

Here's the way they do it up on the top of the mountain where she lives:

In front of a cluster of supporters wedged between a pool table and a glowing TV, Jennifer Montgomery wiped tears from her eyes and thanked supporters at Donner Summit Lodge Tuesday night.

DSL, pronounced 'diesel', is the only saloon in Soda Springs. Skiers stay in the lodge, and the bar is a hangout for tow truck drivers during snowstorms because it ain't very far from I-80 and the easy pickin's of yankin' city slickers' cars out of snowbanks, which, being true professionals, they can do just as easy drunk as sober. Heh.

Finally, a plug for my across-the-street neighbor Joe Aguera, retired mortician, one of the leading citizens of our town, and a dynamite dude, who easily won re-election to the Truckee Donner Public Utility District board. Congrats, Joe.

Just as an aside, Joe's lovely bride of 45 years drives a '57 T-Bird. Go Granny, go Granny, go Granny, GO!

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