Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Joe the Feather Duster and Other Stories

This is my last post on an extraordinary day and thus at the top and I'm glad because it's the most fun one and I couldn't resist. Mild liquid alert.

Go Read Dana Milbank on McCain's train-wreck last few days of desperation campaigning. Here's the last few paragraphs:

Roswell, N.M., 5:56 p.m.

The door to McCain's aircraft swings open and the crowd cheers -- but there are no stairs for the candidate; he cools his heels while they bring the stairs over from the rear door. The Roswell airport is a questionable spot for a rally: It's a graveyard for old airplanes, and the hulking carcasses of dead aircraft serve as a backdrop for McCain's appearance. A mirrored ball spins above the crowd, giving the hangar a disco feel.

Naturally, the microphones fail as soon as McCain begins to talk -- "courtesy of the Democratic National Committee," he quips for the third time.

There are barely more live people at the rally -- 750 -- than dead airplanes on the tarmac. But McCain will take support wherever he can get it. "I'm pleased to announce that I have received the alien endorsement," he says, "and I'm proud."

Maybe Pepe el Extraterrestre delivered the endorsement in person.

No doubt. I've been to Roswell. Heh.

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