Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A big "fuck you" ...

I think the only people I've quoted twice in one day (besides Gordon) are Avedon and The Rude Pundit. The Rude One gets the nod again:


Because yesterday, the United States of America, east, west, north, and south, motherfuckers, shook its collective ass at and farted in the face of the Bush administration, of John McCain, and of the entire right wing that, since Ronald Reagan, has yanked this nation further and further rightward like it's a leashed dog. We bit the hand that fed us, man, and the blood tastes so very good.

So let's all say a huge "Fuck you" to some of those who have been shitting in our nests for the last eight years:

A great big "fuck you" to the warmongers, the fearmongers, the hatemongers, and the neocons. Last night, we said to them, "You can't scare us anymore." And we shoved their Iraq and their 9/11 whoring and their Iran threat and their WMDs and their pre-emptive doctrines and their Gitmo and their torture right up Dick Cheney's ass and laughed while he tried to get it out 'cause it burns his sphincter so fucking badly.


75 days from now, I'll be happier than I am today. That's hard to top.

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