Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Questions ...

Comrade Misfit crawls up Paul Broun's ass for this:

A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist dictatorship.

Yeah, a Marxist Gestapo. I believe they called it the KGB and GRU but that's beside the point; the Rethugs share a common trait of 'historical stupid'. Misfit wants to know where Broun was during the entire Bush administration:


When the Bush Administration claimed the right to wiretap anyone it wanted without a warrant, where were you?

When the Bush Administration claimed the right to arrest anyone in the world, including American citizens, without a warrant or probable cause, where were you?

When the Bush Administration claimed the right to imprison anyone forever, without charges and without the right of habeus corpus, where were you?

When the Bush Administration claimed the ability to begin investigating anyone it chose for any reason or no reason whatsoever, where were you?


It seems to me, since McCain won the Rethug nom, that the Republicans have convinced themselves the last 8 years didn't happen or that the Chimp was somehow not a Republican who operated with the full consent of a Republican-dominated Congress.

With the short attention span of the American people, they might actually pull it off if we don't remind folks of the truth constantly. The Republicans, all of them, are responsible for the mess we have now. Period.

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