Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How it works ...

Avedon notes the differences in 'fail' between Dems and Rethugs:


Reagan got a "honeymoon" that lasted eight years, and the current occupant got one that lasted well into his second term when Bush's popularity numbers reached Nixonian levels and even they couldn't pretend he was beloved anymore (we can only imagine what they'd have given a McCain presidency). But Clinton's presidency was "failed" almost before he got to the White House, and they're obviously preparing to do the same to Obama, pretending that this "always" happens. Well, no, it doesn't happen to presidents the right-wing likes, even when everyone else hates them and they weren't even legitimately placed in the office. Even after 9/11, when the press should have been asking, "How the hell did he let this happen?" they were adoring him and thanking their lucky stars that we had a great guy like Bush in charge instead of that boring old Al Gore. Meanwhile, something really does always happen is that people hustle for jobs in the new administration, but trust our media to try to paint it as something new and ugly that Democrats have introduced to the process. [my em]


To admit Rethug failure takes the continents parting, but the Dems fail before the green flag drops (How's that for mixed metaphors?). It's a real good thing the media's liberal, huh?

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