Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We gots us a Preznizzle!

Having been the first around here to let slip the dogs of mouth by projecting what indeed turned out to be a landslide victory for President-elect Obama, I now gloat. Then I go get a splint on this arm I just broke patting myself on the back.

Thank you, America. Well, enough of it.

Now to kill the buzz a little - the Chimp still has 75 days to fuck things up even worse, and believe me, he's trying. Suggestion to Bush: rename the White House basement der Chimpenbunker, go down there and lock the door behind you. Be sure you have a suicide pill. Or a bag of pretzels.

Here's the fun part: Repug whining will now commence. Watch out for pointing fingers and rapidly backing-up wingnuts. Heh.

I feel the best I have in 8 years. I've had muscles relax I forgot I had or just thought were stuck spring-loaded to the fully pissed-off position, to use an old Jarhead phrase. A coupla days would be nice, but don't worry, my immediate euphoria will no doubt pass. We blasted the shit outta the big one but it's still a target-rich environment out there.

Oh, lest I forget: Fixer, you can stop worrying about the election now. I think.

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