Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"We will get there ..."

Yes we will, Mr. President-elect.

I don't know if I have ever been more proud to be an American. Finally, after 8 years, we can begin to take our nation back. I feel, today, how many must have felt when John F. Kennedy was elected.

I haven't been able to say it for a long time, but today is a good day in America.


Comrade Misfit to Tom DeLay and Grover Norquist:

Obama is on track to win over 300 electoral votes. How do you two douchebags want your crow prepared?

Steve Soto:

Our long, national nightmare is over.

Update Zwei:


... Omigod, there's gonna be brains in the White House again!

The Rude One:

Damn. We truly are a better country than we thought we were.

Update Trois:

Cenk Uygur:

America has come back home.

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