Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wisdom ...

Maddow via Digby:


Maddow asked a good question: If you allow it to stand without a full public airing does it "legalize" it for the future. I think so. Once the precedent is set they will use it again. And the public, like the proverbial frogs in the slowly heating water, don't even realize they are losing not just their rights, but even the idea of their constitution.

Indeed, and a lot of Americans are perfectly willing to consciously give up their rights in order to be kept 'safe', whatever in hell that means. You have more of a chance of being hit by lightning in America than being blown up by a terrorist's bomb (unless you're Mrs. F, who's a terrorist magnet). What rights are you gonna give up to be 'safe' from Thor's Arrows?

And it's not just the fact of some future administration 'pulling a Cheney'. It's our credibility in the eyes of the world. If we accept what these people have done without acknowleging, at the very least, their actions were wrong and criminal, we will forever be considered in the same light as rogue nations and tin-horn dictatorships.

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