Tuesday, November 25, 2008

For the holidays ...

Don't put up with family wingnuts:


I can't tell you the number of times I've said, "Let's not talk about politics" and had it met with even more offensive bullshit than whatever offensive bullshit provoked my demur in the first place. Far as I'm concerned, you get warned off the subject twice, and if you persist, you deserve the mental and verbal ass-kicking you receive. You're a grownup, talking to another grownup, you want to be rude ain't my place to stop you but you'd better bring your A-game.


Like I say to Mrs. F's idiot wingnut brother (another one of those conservative Jews who thinks Israel is the 51st State and should be allowed to turn Gaza and the West Bank into the world's largest concentration camp), "I don't talk sex, politics, or religion with your dumb ass". Anybody who thinks Ralph Reed is "one of the smartest guys in the country" ain't worth arguing with.

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