Monday, November 24, 2008

You can dream ...

But listen to me. It's all nice to want Barry to take over early but changing the rules to suit the players (or the ends justifying the means) is what got us into this big economic mess to begin with.

Sorry, but we all gotta wait until January. You don't think my investments look good, do ya? But we all gotta feel some pain. Unfortunately for some of us, some serious pain. But we gotta remember this for a generation or two, like the parents of my generation.

My folks, Mrs. F's folks, were the children of the Great Depression. She and I grew up with the frugality, the worry that the 'hard times' would return, and the constant reminders to 'save for a rainy day'. I remember and Mrs. F remembers, and so do the rest of my generation.

We just never believed it would happen in our lifetimes.

It's about time the rules of the game were followed and not amended as needs arise. The days of "livin' large on Master Charge" are over.

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