Monday, April 27, 2009

Listen to me ...

This weekend, I heard wave upon wave of talking twits on TV say we shouldn't prosecute guys like Yoo and Bybee. Their justification is lawyers shouldn't be prosecuted for doing what they're supposed to do, for giving legal opinions.

Fuck them.

These guys were given a problem: Parse the laws to find some sort of exemption (or muddy the waters enough) to allow torture. These 'lawyers' knew what they were doing. They knew they were giving cover to criminals (see: Bruce Cutler - at least Cutler tried to twist the law in his client's favor after the fact), giving them justification to commit multiple crimes. There should be no cover for them.

Prosecutions should begin with Yoo and Bybee, include Gonzalez and Addington, and end up with Rove, Cheney and Bush. They knew what they were doing was wrong, both morally and criminally, and were looking for an 'end' to justify the means. Anything short of prosecutions will not do.

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