Monday, April 27, 2009

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

This Week's Question: Is waterboarding torture?

Tomas de Torquemada, inquisitor:

"No. It is a safe, time-tested method of interrogation."

Vlad the Impaler, impaler:

"Of course not. You want torture? I'll show you torture. My card."

Pol Pot, mass murderer:

"Yes, it's torture. For the person administering it! Borrring."

Idi Amin, cab driver:

"It is if I'm doing it. Hey, you call this a tip?"

Dick Cheney, sportsman:

"No. It is a safe, time-tested method of interrogation."


Liz Cheney Defends Harsh Interrogation
Says she was waterboarded and slammed into walls as a child “with no lasting effect.”

Whatever you say, Liz, but maybe ya oughta get that looked at...

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