Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sugar ain't the reason ...

Your kids are bouncing off the walls like the flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz, it's the rocket fuel:


My friend was really upset about this.

I'm upset that if you pull this shit in China you get executed.

What are the consequences here?

There are no consequences here. Do you think Pfizer will face any consequences in the U.S. for testing drugs on unwitting Africans?

A group of Nigerian families has sued the drugs giant Pfizer following the deaths of 11 children and injury to others who are said to have taken part in tests of a drug to treat meningitis.


The lawsuit, filed in a US District Court on Wednesday, seeks unspecified damages on behalf of 30 children who took part in trials in Kano, in northern Nigeria.

The suit alleges that the drug company did not obtain consent and did not explain that the proposed treatment was experimental.


They'll settle with the families for a pittance (for Pfizer, more than these poor people will see in ten lifetimes) and will be off the hook for what basically amounts to premeditated murder.

In the United States, only the average person is held accountable for their actions. If you have money, or are a big corporation, laws are merely a speed bump on the road to big profits.

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