Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Torture Report

Andrew Sullivan, a gay Repug whom I respect because he may have seen the light. And unlike many Repugs, he admits it:

It's been another huge day of data-gathering in the years-long bid to get to the bottom of the secret and illegal torture program set up by Bush and Cheney as their central tool in the war on Jihadist terrorism. You can download the leaked - and devastating International Committee of the Red Cross report here. You can read about the chilling similarities between the Bush-Cheney techniques and those used by the Soviet gulag here. You can read more details of how doctors were implicated in monitoring and measuring the torture of human beings here. If you need confirmation that this new data is real and dispositive, then go read the partisan right blogs. Their total radio silence tells you something.

When the Repugs are quiet about anything, they're guilty as sin and know it and hope you don't think about it. When it suits them they understand TR's "speak softly". Most of the time they just "carry a big stick" at high volume, even if their 'stick' has the political and ideological equivalent of cotton candy wrapped around it. Seemingly tasty and filling, but no nutritional value and it's bad for you.

Just as a 'cotton candy' afterthought, my old friend Dave is an electrician. I saw him once prepare to do some work under a house in a very low crawl space that had about fifty years' worth of spiderwebs and their unappetizing content. He took a stick and painstakingly rolled up all the spiderwebs around it. He emerged from the crawl space and handed it to me with a big grin, "Here, have some bug-flavored cotton candy!". As yucky a treat as I've ever been offered. Fits what the Repugs are up to to a metaphorical T.

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