Friday, May 22, 2009

Cheney lied repeatedly in speech

Like, DUH! McClatchy via Raw Story:

American newspapers don't use the word "lied" as a matter of form -- preferring the more innocuous "false statements," which is supposed to be less biased. But a McClatchy newspaper article Friday says myriad elements of Cheney's terrorism speech Thursday were tantamount to lies -- positing that the former Vice President was guilty of "omissions, exaggerations and misstatements."

Go see.

And from commenter GM:

Cheney is on a media tour to taint the jury pool of his future prosecution for war crimes and crimes against humanity and nothing more.

Disclaimer: My initials are also GM, but that wasn't me. Nor am I responsible for the Chevy Vega, the Cadillac Cimarron, or making your family go live under a bridge when I canned them while taking $Billions of your money.


Fear of prosecution caused Cheney to speak out, daughter says

Gee, ya think?

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