Friday, May 22, 2009

"Fall out in skivvy shorts, shower shoes, an' a light coat of oil!"

That was an old joke in my Marine Corps days. Somebody finally did it!


Defense Secretary Robert Gates says American soldiers have more than their military might and training on their side in the war in Afghanistan. Some have pink underwear.

Gates told an audience in New York about Specialist Zachary Boyd, routed from sleep by enemy fire on his post in eastern Afghanistan.

"He immediately grabbed his rifle and rushed into a defensive position clad in his helmet, body armor, and pink boxer shorts that said 'I Love New York,'" Gates said Thursday night.

"Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your perspective, an AP photographer was there for a candid shot," Gates continued.

The photograph by David Guttenfelder ran on the front page of the New York Times.

"Any soldier who goes into battle against the Taliban in pink boxers and flip-flops has a special kind of courage," Gates said, adding that Boyd may have hit on a new kind of psychological warfare. "I can only wonder about the impact on the Taliban. Just imagine seeing that — a guy in pink boxers and flip-flops has you in his crosshairs."

I get a visual of an Afghan fighter's last picture being of that as he gets drilled between the runnin' lights. Explain that in Paradise, chump. Heh.

A few notes for Specialist Boyd:

First, that was one fight you had to win! Can you imagine the propaganda value to the Taliban/al Qaeda/opium farmers/goat humpers if you had not? My sides hurt...

Second, be sure to call yer Mom and thank her for the nice underwear. It made ya famous! Unless they were a Valentine's Day gift from your squad leader. Don't ask, don't...

And, yer buddies'll stop kiddin' ya about this. Someday. If ya outlive 'em all.

Thank you for your service, son. That went above and beyond! Them shorts musta been hidin' a pair o' big brass ones for fallin' out for a fight dressed like that! I wouldn't have dared to wear 'em in the first place, but they do things different in New York I guess. Good on ya!

Note to Fixer: You must be extra proud of Noo Yawk soldiers today!

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