Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jesus Would Have Approved Waterboarding

Library Grape

More pearls of wisdom from that bastion of politicized Christianist exceptionalism:

There's a link in that sentence to the blog Red State if you feel the need to lower your IQ by going there, but I won't link to it. Also, 'bastion' is not exactly the word I would have used. Close, though.

It’s likely even Jesus would have OK’d water boarding ...

Enough of that crap. You get the idea.

So, Jesus wouldn't be cool with killing babies in the womb but he'd be fine with torturing people? Yep, nothing says "Christ's love" like strapping a guy to a bench and drowning him to extract information.

It's pretty sad that the Christian Right in this country has been politicized to the point that, in defense of their preferred political ideology, they have been reduced to claiming that Jesus' supposedly loving message of peace and caring for your fellow man has been perverted to justify torture.

I won't go into whether Jesus actually existed, or if he said the things attributed to him in the books of the New Testament that were carefully chosen out of God (heh) knows how many a hundred years after his 'death' to reflect the desired agenda of the early church.

Just as an aside, I will say that we would all be better off today if they had chosen, among others, the Gospels of Mary Magdalene and the Gnostics, but such things as women's and Gnostic views were not in line with what the early church powermongers wanted. Also, there have been as many wars within christianity over this kinda shit as they started elsewhere. Swell.

What I will say is that it's the height (or depth) of egotism and/or insanity to pervert their deity, whose words these christowhackjobs espouse to follow, into political nonsense that He (capitalized for clarity. Oh, sure...) would have followed them for political reasons. They have recreated Him in their own image, and, yea, forsooth, they sucketh mightily.

The wacko christers came damn close to hijacking this country and we are very lucky they didn't. They're all pissed off now that they failed, and are redoubling their efforts.

The truth of the matter is that there are good Christians who live by His Word. There may not be very many of them as they just live and try to do good for their fellow man and they're as quiet as the whackjobs are loud.

The irony is that Libruls are probably better christians than the whackos are, even if they're non-believers or atheists.

This is true of any religion you can name for all the same reasons. The combination of fundamentalists and a political agenda has been the cause of most of the world's problems for thousands of years: I'm right and you're wrong and I will kill you to show you the error of your ways and make it so you have to do like I say, for I wish to rule the world and I made up God's voice in my head and He said I should.

So much for the humility of which JC spoke. I believe the part about the 'little voices' in their heads. Hint: they ain't God.

To which I say: Ya gotta bring some to get some, so bring it, motherfuckers.

Sometimes when I go off on something in a spurt of stream-of-unconsciousness like this, I eventually sorta sober up just before I get done and find myself with no coherent way out. Like now. Fortunately, there was Divine Intervention in the form of a serendipitous accidental mouse click that led me to this (if I can duplicate the accident):

Today's GOP Meets the Definition of a "Cult"

They do, too. You should go read.

One definition of a 'cult' is a religion with no political power. They should all be 'cults'.

Or we can just call the FBI and ATF and have them go surround them with tanks and snipe 'em and burn 'em out. Case closed. Onward to progress.

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