Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sotomayor is Obama's pick for Supremes

Raw Story with an informative article about her, with video:

President Barack Obama is announcing Sonia Sotomayor, a New York judge, as his choice to succeed Justice David Souter on the Supreme Court.

This is not a surprise and I'm down wid it.

The Repugs, of course, are not. They've been trashing Obama's choice since Souter's retirement announcement, no matter whom it would have turned out to be.

Let the games begin.


The games have begun.

Limbaugh calls Sotomayor "a reverse racist,"

It's not that the Anal Cyst head of the Repugs is saying she's 180 out from proper Repug racism and hates whites, although I'm sure that's the image he wants the morons who listen to him to conjure up in their little pea brains. Oh, no, It's much worse than that! Be afraid, be very afraid!

It's not just that she's a Boricua from modest beginnings in New York City, although that's plenty bad. Worse, she's a (gasp!) woman and a Librul! The accusation of 'racism', therefore, means she may make decisions other than in favor of the moneyed elite, and that Repugs cannot abide.

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