Thursday, June 11, 2009

Beck Claims Leftist Nazis are Behind Right Wing Shootings.

I won't dirty the Brain with this video, but it's at Teablogging and you should see it. Go puke now so you won't have to clean your keyboard and screen.

Let the insanity flow from this amazing video. Feel the insanity. Feel it deep within your bowels.

This is an interpretation of the shooting that occurred in D.C. at the Holocaust museum. It is the most important piece of video ever to come from Fox News.

The end.

Do these wingnut bastards think their spew is helping anything? Oh yeah, they think it's helping them to defeat Obama. News flash: It's not.

If this shit keeps up, and keep up it will, both the fringe right extremism/terrorism and the anti-Obama gasbags' spew about it, there's going to be a backlash against the never-right like they've never seen. Of course, they'll blame it on 'leftist Nazis' which may be the very definition of 'oxymoron'. It never dawned on me just how fitting is the syllable 'moron' in that word.

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