Thursday, June 11, 2009

I've moved ...

Under my bed and left no forwarding address.

You know, years ago I used to post about the cock-of-the-walk posturing by Republicans when it came to "Keeping America Safe" and "Fightin' them over there ...". All the tough guys talking about "killing ragheads because that's all they understand". All of 'em arming themselves to the teeth so they can "be safe and protect my family" in their living rooms.

Ah, well, that all changes now that we're releasing innocent people we've imprisoned without cause for years:


Writing on Michelle Malkin's blog Hot Air today, war-supporting tough guy Ed Morrissey is petrified about this development and, as a result, he has announced that he is now too fearful to consider visiting that island [Palau]:


It's hard to put into words how inebriated with irrational fear someone has to be in order to be so scared of 17 Uighurs -- who were never guilty of anything -- that they would avoid traveling to whatever place this handful of persecuted individuals is located. But this is the right-wing movement at its core: its leaders cynically ratchet up fear levels as high as possible to justify whatever they want to do (invade Iraq, torture people, spy on Americans with no warrants) and their adherents (along with plenty of others) become more and more paralyzed by their fears of anything Muslim. This, after all, is the same faction that continues to shake with terror at the very idea that accused Terrorists will be brought to the U.S. -- in handcuffs, imprisoned, and disappeared into super-max facilities. And it is the same faction that made accepting the Uighurs into the U.S. politically unpalatable by threatening legislation -- The Keep Terrorists Out of America Act -- that would bar their entrance.


Dudes, you guys should be so "protected" by now, what with a black, Muslim, Socialist President who's gonna take your guns away and give 'em to the U.N., that should any of these people "get loose", you should be able to take care of the situation single-handedly.

Every one of these wimpy, quivering sacks of bullshit were cheering loudly when our troops crossed the line from Kuwait into Iraq but, I guess, it's easier when you have the full might of the U.S. armed forces doing your talking. Didn't matter what we did to "those people", innocent or not. Kill 'em all ...

Now we're scared? Now big tough guys like "Cap'n* Ed" are scared to take a vacation because 17 little Chinese guys without a country are living there?


Our stalwart, tough right-wing play-acting warriors should probably also avoid vacationing in Paris, the locale of recently released (and completely innocent) Guantanamo detainee Lakdhar Boumediene; Australia, where released Guantanamo detainee David Hicks is to be found roaming free; London, where released and tortured Guantanamo detainee Binyam Mohamed currently resides; and, most of all, places like Washington D.C. and Kansas, where our own home-grown, decidedly non-Muslim Terrorists are thriving.


That's what they are - play actors. It's all good when someone else is dodging bullets or having to look over their shoulder, but when it could possibly show up at their doorstep, well that's another story. Shit, my wife has been in tighter spots than these basement-dwelling cretins have ever experienced and handled herself far better than these cowards do when merely a hint of danger is on the breeze.

I laugh at them. I ridicule them. I do not respect them as men. They should have no place in our political discourse.


Has Penrose been reading the Brain?

*It's to laugh.

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