Friday, June 5, 2009

Corporations behind efforts to label Sotomayor ‘racist’

The accusation of 'racism', therefore, means she may make decisions other than in favor of the moneyed elite, and that Repugs cannot abide. - Gordon, May 26, '09

Damn, I'm good! This blind pig is enjoyin' the shit outta this acorn he found...

Raw Story, by Larisa Alexandrovna and Muriel Kane.

Corporate interests posing as a grassroots conservative group are behind attacks on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, a RAW STORY investigation has found.

The Committee for Justice (CFJ), an astroturf group established by big business in July 2002 to create an appearance of popular support for President Bush’s judicial nominees, is now leading the effort to oppose the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the US Supreme Court.

This is an extensive article. Go read. It's nothing we don't know in general, but it's nice to see it in print out in the open. Thanks, Larisa and Muriel.

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