Saturday, June 6, 2009


Pink's is probly The World's Best Hot Dog Stand. It's right around where I grew up and I've been there many times. When I saw the article about in the LATimes, I got a little homesick - the best hot dog in my little podunk town is at 7-11. Yeah, I can get a reasonable facsimile of a chilicheesekrautpeño dog with all the trimmings there but it ain't a pimple on the ass of the real thing. Waaaaah....

There's a video at the above link that will either make your mouth water or make you hurl, depending on your gastronomic sensibilities.

Pink's is world famous. Check out the Google page and Pink's website (shortcut to 'menu'. Yum!). They even have a wiki entry.

Singer-songwriter James Taylor has cited Pink's as the inspiration for his song "Chili Dog"; on his 2007 album One Man Band, he notes, "[The chili dog] was my favourite foodstuff for a time, until I realised that it wasn't a food, it was a drug."


Gotta be careful with them newspapers. One click can send ya time & place trippin' with no warning. This one was fun so I invited ya along. Enjoy.

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