Monday, June 1, 2009

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

France Snubs Queen Elizabeth, Doesn't Invite Her to D-Day Anniversary
Mix-up blamed on Vichy dead-enders.

Vastly Improved Hubble Now Sees Too Far
Astronomers complain refurbished telescope sees universe before it was formed.

We Now Own Most of General Motors
“You're gonna love this company,” says dealer who sold it to us.

"It's guaranteed until ya get it outta the shop and don't fire it up in here!"


Georgia Congressman: No More Guaranteed Citizenship To Those Born Here
They'll first have to demonstrate an understanding of the Constitution and all its amendments, like the 14th.

Oy again. Is "if brains were dynamite, he couldn't blow his nose!" some kinda prerequisite to be a Southern politician?

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