Monday, June 1, 2009

Torturing Democracy

Bill Moyers Journal showed excerpts from the documentary Torturing Democracy last Friday evening.

The documentary TORTURING DEMOCRACY tells the story of how the United States government circumvented tradition and law to adopt torture as official policy. The film, produced by award-winning filmmaker Sherry Jones, draws on interviews, archival footage, and recently declassified documents to piece together the development and dissemination of torture tactics from Bagram in Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib -- and the document trail leads right to the top of the chain of command (my em).

We knew that, but the film should dispel any lingering doubts that folks who have been in a coma for several years might have.

You can watch the entire film at the TORTURING DEMOCRACY Web site.

Please schedule the time to do so. Just the excerpts pegged the needle on my Pissed Off-O-Meter and bent it around the pin.

We need to stay pissed off about the torture done in our name until the war criminals who did it are brought to justice. Period.

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