Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The 10 Dumbest Things Republicans Have Said About the Sotomayor Hearings

At AlterNet. Liquid alert with a twist: Besides the obvious danger of your keyboard going up in a cloud of smoke from short circuits, you may burn yourself if you drink anything whilst reading this when it starts to boil from outrage.

From sexist attacks about Sotomayor's "temperament" to a rigorous interrogation about the definition of nunchucks, GOPers came up with a multitude of embarrassing ways to try to hinder the Supreme Court nominee's confirmation.

Ah, yes, the dreaded nunchaku. I think every one of these Repug dickwads should be issued a set. Then we could watch them beat the crap out of themselves. Maybe butterfly knives as well. A coupla days of them trying to open those and they'd have to use an intern to jack off. Oh, wait - they do that already. The 2d Amendment is about guns, you fucking idiot. There's even video of the Wise Latina wasting her time trying to explain this silly shit to Orrin Hatch (Idiot - Cult State).

8. In what was perhaps one of the odder moments of the hearings, Hatch forced the nominee to expound on the dangers of nunchucks, a martial arts weapon. The point, of course, was the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms and how it played out in the 2009 case Maloney v. Cuomo. But all-in-all, a strange topic for a Supreme Court confirmation hearing.

Watch it:

Sotomayor Explains The Many Dangers Of Ninja Nunchucks

Shorter: If you live anywhere you can't swing a cat without hitting someone, like New York and California, two billy clubs on a string are already illegal and rightly so.

The craziness and incompetence on display at the hearings has been more than matched by the absurd smears leveled at Sotomayor in the conservative media. The shining lights of conservatism -- Pat Buchanan, G. Gordan (Sic. Any vowel other than 'o' is the pet peeve of anybody named 'Gordon'. Grrrr. - G) Liddy and Rush Limbaugh -- have outdone themselves with uninformed, offensive rants about the nominee.

7. The Committee for Justice* -- a right-wing group opposed to Sotomayor's confirmation -- is airing ads claiming that the Yale graduate led a terrorist organization. According to Think Progress:

The claim that Sotomayor led a terrorist organization apparently refers to her service on the board of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, a mainstream civil rights organization. It seems that, in the right-wing mind, a group that protects Latinos from race discrimination is exactly the same as al-Qaida.

Any even slightly brown person is the same to wingtards. Scares the shit out of 'em.

Puh-lenty (not the governor) more.

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