Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"He is sweating profusely... "

Ray McGovern

So far the summer has been mild in the Washington, D.C., area. But for former Vice President Dick Cheney the temperature is well over 100 degrees. He is sweating profusely, and it is becoming increasingly clear why.

Cheney has broken openly with former President George W. Bush on one issue of transcendent importance — to Cheney. For whatever reason, Bush decided not to hand out blanket pardons before they both rode off into the sunset.

It is getting close to history time. You do not need to be a cracker-jack analyst to understand that Cheney is feeling betrayed — that he is thinking not of Libby, but of himself, and fearing that, if our system of justice works, he could be in for some serious, uncommuted jail time.

As if unprecedented decisions to torture, in violation of international law and the War Crimes Act of 1996, can be accurately described as “policies” over which there can be honest disagreement. This is about crimes, not “policies.”

What has pretty much escaped notice in the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) is that the former Vice President has also reminded us all that President Bush was the “decider.”

That unusual word sounded quite macho as Bush strutted about reminding us often that he was also “commander in chief.” But now, it could be the kiss of death — for Bush, as well as for Cheney.

Ooooooh...the blood is rushing from my head...

Approval of torture, assassination, warrantless eavesdropping — hey, there is quite enough to go on, and increasing signs that Cheney will be called on the carpet.

What we have been focusing on, however, glosses over Cheney’s key role in purveying lies to get our representatives in Congress to approve a war that qualifies for what the post-WWII Nuremberg Tribunal called the “supreme international crime” — a war of aggression.

We shall have to demand that Attorney General Eric Holder do his duty and move quickly to start the process to hold accountable those responsible for dragging our country down into a moral abyss.

Please read the rest.

It will do my heart good when the FBI or US Marshals drag The Dick out of his final Undisclosed Location, which may bear a striking resemblance to Saddam Hussein's hidey-hole. They'll find it by the smell of fear emanating from a coward and war criminal who sent thousands to die and murdered hundreds of thousands of others for no good reason.

Bush? Another coward and war criminal, but he won't be so hard to catch. When they go for him he'll just be sitting at home in his rich white enclave with his usual deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. They may have to pull his finger out of his nose to put the handcuffs on.

I hope they spend the days before their hangings in adjoining cells with live audio out. The recrimination and whining will be most amusing in a macabre sort of way.

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