Friday, July 17, 2009

It's Pat!

And I'll bet Buchanan still doesn't get the SNL reference. Heh.

Here's Rachel trying to talk sense to Pat Buchanan. She does her best, but I hope she learned from this exchange that reason and facts mean absolutely nothing when dealing with old white racist, anti-semitic, misogynist throwbacks.

Just as an aside, there's a minute or so of President Obama's speech in front of the NAACP yesterday. He has an entirely different persona in front of a black audience and it's terrific! If he hadn't gone into politics, he'da made a damn fine hellfire shoutin' preacher! Shit, I'd go to church to listen to him. Then I'd throw a little offering in the plate to help pay for the roof that got hit by lightning and caved in because I was there...

And from a long article at Media Matters about Buchanan, long because it has to be to crowd in a good sampling of his racist, anti-semitic, and he-man-woman-haters comments over the years:

Incredibly, MSNBC trots him out to discuss race and gender issues, as though the views he represents are needed for "balance." And so MSNBC viewers are treated to the bizarre spectacle of Pat Buchanan loudly insisting that everyone else is a racist. Sonia Sotomayor? Racist. Harry Reid? Racist. Eric Holder? Displays "almost paralyzing stupidity" in talking about race.

If there is a consistent theme to Buchanan's rhetoric over the past four decades, it is that the real bigotry is displayed by women and minorities, and bigotry's real victims are white males. At this point, it would be surprising if he didn't call Sonia Sotomayor a racist.

But the most extraordinary thing about MSNBC's continued employment of Pat Buchanan is that all of this barely scratches the surface. Anyone willing to devote a few minutes can easily find dozens, if not hundreds, more examples of flagrantly over-the-top rhetoric targeting racial and ethnic minorities, women, gays, and immigrants, among others -- from the '60s through the present day.

Pat Buchanan's bigoted comments are not merely an aspect of his public persona; if they are not what he is best known for, they should be. MSNBC needs to explain why they are not disqualifying.

I think they keep him around for about the same reason the CDC keeps a smallpox sample, in case there's a breakout and they need to study it again. He needs to be in a museum, perhaps at the Creation museum in Kentucky next to the dinosaurs Jesus buried 6000 years ago. Or maybe at the Holocaust Museum as an example of what to look out for.

Buchanan seems to be longing for the old days, when women were all about Kinder, Küche, Kirche, and unquestioning submission to white males, which is what God made them for, of course. A time when the 'good' 'colored' 'knew their place' and were thus a 'credit to their race', and when 'uppity' ones could be dealt with with a rope. When Jews were baggy pants comedians and caricatures of evil and the Nazis knew how to deal with them, by God.

Heaven to him will be a place with all angry, bitter old white men carping about how they were so beset upon when the world went mad and the people they had oppressed wised up and talked back. I hope he finds it. Soon.

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