Friday, July 17, 2009

She'd be eminently qualified ...

If she weren't a fat broad*:

Since President Obama announced his pick for the nation’s Top Doc, Internet message boards have been atwitter with the observation that Dr. Regina Benjamin is fat.


Just shut the fuck up. I suppose everybody mistook C. Everett Koop for Kate Moss? It really pisses me off that when these assholes have nothing to pick on about a person, they turn to their weight, which is somehow a disqualifier for everything.

Listen to me. Peoples' body shape is dictated by genetics. Everybody in my family puts weight on easily. I've had a problem with my weight since I was a little kid. If I don't watch everything I eat, I start growing. When I was in the military, I worked out more than most in order to keep in shape. Since I've been out (and getting older) I have to watch it even closer because I don't get the same amount of exercise I did back then. It really pisses me off when people pick on things about others they have no control over, be it weight, color, ethnicity, looks, whatever.

That said, if you don't see a beautiful woman in the picture below, you need to get your eyes checked.

I wish her all the best of luck in her new job and I commend her tenacity in the face of overwhelming odds (on many levels).

Regina Benjamin is a rural family physician forging an inspiring model of compassionate and effective medical care in one of the most underserved regions of the United States. In 1990, she founded the Bayou La Batre Rural Health Clinic to serve the Gulf Coast fishing community of Bayou La Batre, Alabama, a village of approximately 2,500 residents devastated twice in the past decade by Hurricanes Georges, in 1998, and Katrina, in 2005. Despite scarce resources, Benjamin has painstakingly rebuilt her clinic after each disaster and set up networks to maintain contact with patients scattered across multiple evacuation sites. She has established a family practice that allows her to treat all incoming patients, many of whom are uninsured, and frequently travels by pickup truck to care for the most isolated and immobile in her region ...

If you're hurting, I'm certain her weight would be the farthest thing from your mind if they brought you to her emergency room. You'd be thanking whatever you worship she was your physician. Idiots.

*Great thanks to Athenae for the link.

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