Saturday, July 11, 2009

Last Night In Baltimore

Seeing as how our playful un-PCness has already got us in trouble with the distaff side (we're used to it), might as well fuckin' go for it! Heh.

I've piled off a few ships with my shipmates and a pocket fulla money and done this, but this is a common experience even for men who've never seen a ship, so this is dedicated to every man out there who at some point will nod knowingly and say, even if very quietly, 'been there, done that, when do we do it again?'.

Also, this might very possibly be the highest and best use of anime.

This is another anime/boggard crossovers clip featuring the tune "My Last Night in Baltimore," which was performed by the world famous Poxy Boggards. I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks to LordDrakoArakis, who has lots of these.

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