Friday, August 28, 2009

Alpha-Political Verse 2009

Mad Kane

From time to time, I write an alphabetical poem summing up a period’s zany and significant political moments. (My last one said goodbye and good riddance to Bush and Cheney.)

Although Barack Obama’s administration is still relatively new, there’s already plenty of material for another piece of alpha-political poetry:

A is for Alaska with its lovely Russian view.

B is for the Birthers who will rant and rave on cue.

C is for conservatives co-opted by the loons.

D is for each Democrat who caves and often swoons.

Lotsa Cs 'n Ds, huh?

You get the idea. There's a link at each one so you gotta go see.

There's also a nice limerick in tribute to Ted Kennedy.

Ms. Kane has an odd and charming habit for a big-time humorist: She follows up and visits blogs that link to her. It must take up a big part of her day. I will use this to attempt to communicate with her.

Dear Ms. Kane,

The photo at your site shows you to be quite lovely, with an air of insouciance and an expression that says "Oh yeah? Show me, Buster".

I am quite taken with you.

Could you please direct me to your swimsuit photos?

Your secret admirer, one of many, no doubt, and no mean limerickista his own self,

Well, if that didn't scare her away, I hope it at least made coffee come out her nose!


Classy number that she is, Ms. Kane responded with a link to her going topless. Be still my, er, heart...

By the way, hon, us 60+ types couldn't care less how old yer photo is.

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