Friday, August 28, 2009

Milf, Mouth & Mayberry Machiavelli

I haven't been reading James Wolcott much lately, but I'm glad I ran across this one:

Glenn Beck must have sent out a distress call because his superhero friends have flown into action.

I get a visual of "The Batshit Signal" beaming into the sky over Gotham City...

First, Sarah Palin, who appears to have vanished into a spa or perhaps is having electrodes attached for a Bride of Frankenstein unveiling, howdies all her Facebook fans to give Glenn's show a watch this week as he documents the Obama administration's secret termite cadre of communist infiltration.

Palin, Rush, Rove--for the extra-crispy conservative wing of the Republican Party, that's as big a trifecta as one can hit.

What does this tell us?

No, I suspect that what's really going on is that the boycott of Beck by Color of Change has really rattled their chassis. No, it hasn't cut into Fox News's ad revenues yet, but if the boycott sticks, it's going to make Beck's show look like a cable-access lemonade stand.

So that's what's in the Repug kool-aid - lemonade and the brown acid. Wavy Gravy (I think) warned 'em at Woodstock, but I guess these clowns didn't get the message.

Limbaugh might want to keep the phone number for ordering that penis-inflater pill handy, in case he runs short.

Don't worry, Jim. The boner pill guy is #2 on his speed dial right after the hillbilly heroin guy.

This shit's really fun to watch. It's like goin' to the circus. When you need a break from the action under the Big Top, you can go watch the freaks 'n geeks.

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