Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm sorry ...

We tried. Joe Wilson and I, and Steny Hoyer came by, and we all tried to unseat Peter King in '06 by supporting and campaigning for Dave Mejias but NY-03 is the reddest district in the state. Our failure, and the lack of a credible contender in '08 (I tried to talk Dave into running again but he's content with his local seat for now), means Peter King is still free to spout his horseshit upon the rest of you.


It really is frustrating watching career political hacks like Rep. Peter King get as much media attention as they do. On GMA, he reiterated his attacks on President Obama over the failed attempt by the Christmas bomber. His solution of course is for the President to just say terror, terror, terror all day long.


I have an idea. Whenever a pundit asks about Peter King to anyone from the left, we use just one word to describe him. Asshole, Asshole, asshole.


He's a boil on the ass of New York State.


And I never thought I'd say the words "I'm voting for Kirsten Gillibrand this November":

Just as Senator Kirsten Gillibrand thought she could breathe a little easier following news that GOP Rep. Peter King is "leaning against" seeking her senate seat in 2010, reports name Harold Ford Jr. as a possible challenger in a Democratic primary.


But I will be.

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