Back from the Mejias press conference this afternoon. Being an agitator as opposed to a journalist, I didn't know what to expect. We showed up early (the Mrs. accompanied me) and hung around waiting for the candidate. Personally, I figured he'd show up with an entourage but instead I spotted him coming up the sidewalk alone, stopping to say hello to one of Nassau County's finest who was there to keep things orderly. It was easy duty for the cop.

He said hello to us, and to the big shots from the Long Island environmental community, and then, in the shadow of one of Nassau County's dirtiest Superfund sites, laid out the ways Peter King has failed Long Island in the environmental arena.
Peter King voted against increasing funding for the Superfund, jeopardizing the cleanup of hundreds of toxic sites.King supported funding cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency.King voted to allow offshore drilling for natural gas.King voted to shield gas companies from lawsuits involving MTBE that's infiltrating Long Island's groundwater.King voted to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling.And then the candidate told us about his accomplishments ...
Ban on Arsenic Treated WoodFighting the Expansion of Republic AirportSolar Panel Sales Tax ExemptionsHybrid Car Sales Exemption... Among
a host of others before the environmentalists took their turns praising the candidate and
giving their endorsements.
After the press conference Mr. Mejias spoke to the Mrs. and me for a few minutes, explaining that on his watch, the
miserable eyesore across the street would be nothing but a bad memory. Of course, I got the Mrs. to take an obligatory snap of Mr. Mejias and me.

I'm the one on the left. Heh ...
And I should add, Mr. Mejias, in his speech, managed to link Peter King and the Chimp at every opportunity. Good man.
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Do you live in NY-03?*Press conference edition.
Yes, I know about the dates on the pics. I was dicking with my camera and reset them accidentally. Sue me. Click the pics to embiggen.
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