Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Prohibition of pot feeds lawlessness



On Tuesday, members of the state Assembly will vote on California marijuana policy. The Public Safety Committee will vote on Assembly Bill 390, the Marijuana Control, Regulation and Education Act, which seeks to regulate and control the production, distribution, and personal use of marijuana for adults age 21 and older.

Tuesday's vote will mark the first time since 1913, when California became one of the first states in the nation to impose criminal cannabis prohibition, that lawmakers have reassessed this failed policy.

It is high time that they do.

Even an ever-so-vigilant-not stoner couldn't let that slip by:

"It is high time that they do"...uh, so to speak;)

Please read the rest of the SacBee piece.

Not twenty minutes ago I finished watching my tape of last night's Border Wars on NatGeo which I referenced yesterday. The Border Patrol guys found weed headed north in cars - phony gas tanks, secret compartments, inside spare tires. They found 1000 pounds of it in man-packable bundles abandoned alongside a trail in the desert when the smugglers saw 'em coming.

They found tunnels from Mexico to the U.S., nicely engineered and with smooth floors so they could bring dope in on wheeled carts.

They found hundreds of thousands of dollars being smuggled back south.

They probably catch about ten percent of the dope and the dope money.

Speaking as a life-long resident of the United States' #1 (and proud of it!) marijuana producing state, this is a tremendous waste of resources.

California's economy is in the shitter. Legalizing mota i.e. letting folks burn a roadside weed and inhale the smoke legally along with the legalization of growing headache weed aka 'hemp', a renewable product with thousands of uses, would produce tax revenue, help farmers, produce jobs which produce taxpayers, eliminate a whole class of otherwise law-abiding criminals, and keep the money here in the U.S. where it belongs. A beneficial side effect would be to totally piss off the Puritans, the prison industry, the anti-fun busybodies, liquor producers, half of the half of Mexico that isn't already here and some that are, and make their heads explode. Whee!

Simple, huh?

It would also free up a lot of of Border Patrol and DEA agents whose time could then be better spent up north doing the vital homeland security work of preventing the flow of BC Bud into the U.S. and busting senior citizens re-importing cheaper meds from Canada. How hard could it be to catch a charter bus with an SUV anyway? Ooops. I take that back - some of our local Chinese gambling tour buses are absolutely uncatchable...

California leads the way. Our gearheads led the way for the nation on lakes pipes and apehangers. Here's hoping our legislators can finally lead the way on something.

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