Friday, March 12, 2010

Beck: Springsteen’s ‘Born in the USA’ is ‘anti-American,’ ‘propaganda’

Raw Story

A song that's been played over speakers at hundreds of campaign rallies, vibrated in the space between drinks at everyone's favorite bar and set millions of heads nodding from radio stations coast to coast -- a piece of music that is literally stitched into the fabric of American blue-collar culture, Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA" -- is, according to right-wing pundit Glenn Beck, "anti-American" and "propaganda" that people must "wake up" from.

If you're unfamiliar, need a refresher or simply like good music, give it a listen:

The likely reason Beck is attacking someone far more talented than himself is because Springsteen has endorsed a number of Democrats, including President Obama. Springsteen even put on a show at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. He did the same for Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) near the end of the 2004 presidential campaign.

Much more.

Well, Crazy Becky, you've done it this time. Don't be fuckin' with The Boss, asshole. He's a better American than you could be in your wildest wet dreams. You ain't a pimple on his ass.

My main worry is that Becky and Rushole and their pathetic ilk are going to run out of sharks to jump. See the post a few below this one. My hope is that the intellectual moped they're doing it with runs outta gas in mid-air and deposits them right in front of a pissed-off shark.

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