Friday, March 12, 2010

"...way out on the fringe of who the hell cares"

Mark Morford

Some days it's just so very difficult to choose. The toxic tales come so fast, slippery and weird, you don't know which way to flip your personal drunkmonkey of wary perspective, just how hard you're supposed to laugh and sigh before you strip naked and run screaming into the woods.

Damn, Mark, right on the money! I know exactly how you feel. I actually have woods here, unlike EssEff, but I have learned to simply alert the neighbors to don their hollywoods so the glare won't blind them...

Which will it be, fine citizen? The twee tale of the whiny outcry endured by the unwitting Washington Post after it ran an innocuous photo on its front page, a shot of two sweet, skinny guys lightly smooching on the courthouse steps, the very day that gay marriages were finally legal in D.C.?

You can guess what happened next. The tiny-brained homophobes of D.C. came out in force, threatening everything from canceled subscriptions (oh no!) to the death of every human soul for all eternity. Confused macho lugnuts and little old ladies alike began accusing the paper of promoting "the faggot lifestyle" and destroying all morality by, you know, showing two people in love. The horror.

See, we here in sinful, hellhole Sodom-iffic San Francisco see such piffling outcry, and laugh. We've been shrugging off Bible Belt ignorance and fundamentalist accusations of our being the perverted nail sticking out of God's virtuous park bench since Harvey Milk opened a camera shop, Berkeley decided to light some U.S. flags on fire and the Haight burned Vietnam draft notices -- all right before we became one of the world's foremost centers of intellectualism, culture, art, food, education, experimentation, leather, enlightenment, love and joy and fine lubricants for all. Welcome to hell, WaPo! Come on in, the water's blasphemous.

Please, please, please go read the rest. He gets to the Catlick Choich's thing for gay prostitutes, the GOP, and a coupla pols in the news of late.

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