Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bloody twats* ...

Real big hard-hitting interview of the President on Fox yesterday. Even if I'd concede that dork Brett Baier was doing his job, it'd be nice to take a wayback machine to be there live, when they fellated interviewed President Chimpenstein Bush or Vice-President Satan Incarnate Cheney:


First off, let's just say that Baier interviewed a president like a president ought to be interviewed, with the news person as an aggressive antagonist and questioner, not taking what the president says at face value. Truly, honestly, Baier was at least in the ballpark of how, say, BBC journalists talk to their leaders. And however irritating Baier's interruptions were, Obama recognized, at the end, that this was the way it's supposed to go. "That's OK. That's your job," Obama told him after Baier apologized for doing so.

Of course, any time a reporter from anywhere dared to question George W. Bush with the same persistence that Baier used with Obama, it was an outrage, like a midget had punched Bush in the nuts. Remember when Irish reporter Carol Coleman took apart Bush and the White House actually lodged a formal complaint with the Irish Embassy? Now, of course, it's totally okay to confront the president repeatedly, and the right will gleefully cheer it on, as if yelping, "Yeah, make him your bitch, Ailes." [my em]


To quote the Rude One from four or five years ago (it's in the left sidebar): "The right is nothing, if not filled with liars and hypocrites."

*To be pronounced with a proper Welsh accent. Don't ask, but if you know a Welshman, ask him to say it for you.

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