Thursday, March 18, 2010

Idiots in quantity ...

You know, it really bugs me that people can be so self-centered, and so hurtful in the process:


Activists staged "competing rallies" outside of Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy’s (D-OH) district office yesterday, in a noisy, often confrontational attempt to influence the undecided congresswoman’s vote. At one point, a man with a sign saying he has Parkinson’s disease and needs help sat down in front of the reform opponents. Several protesters mocked the man, calling him a "communist" with one derisively "throwing money at him." "If you’re looking for a handout you’re in the wrong end of town," another man said. Watch it (at approximately 0:51):


Video and links aplenty at Digby's page. As she says:


Remember how John Edwards used to say there were two Americas? This is the other one. And they are always pissed off when anybody else gets something they don't have. Even if they don't need or want it. You know the types.

And the conservatives have played these people like a Stradivarius. I have a sticker on my laptop that reads: "Never underestimate the power of idiots in large groups". These people may be idiotic assholes but, sadly, there are a lot of them. That's what makes them dangerous.

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