Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Circling the bowl ...

I have the misfortune of having to see Rick Sanchez' show when I get home from work and want to catch up on what went on during the day. They have that other idiot, Tom Foreman, who looks like he's somehow related to Glenn Beck, and Wolfie has this constant deer in the headlights look that makes me wonder why he even bothers to show up; it's not like he actually calls anyone on their bullshit.

So, it's no big surprise they hired this idiot:

(CNN) – Prominent conservative commentator and editor Erick Erickson will join CNN as a political contributor, appearing primarily on CNN's new show John King, USA¸ the network announced Tuesday.


And don't even get me started on John King, Dick Cheney fellator extraordinaire.

Thanks to Watertiger for the link.

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