Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Get out ...

Dirt bag NY state senator Hiram Monserrate (convicted girlfriend beater and all around asshole), who was thrown out of the Senate (if you're bad enough to be thrown out of the dysfunctional NY Legislature, you really suck) was running to get his seat back in a special election. Thankfully, the people of Queens weren't swayed by his argument that he was "one of them".

State Assemb. Jose Peralta (D-Jackson Heights) won a commanding victory Tuesday night for the state senate seat once held by Hiram Monserrate, who was expelled following a domestic violence conviction.


Now get out, and don't let the door hit ya in the ass.

An addendum: Monserrate, scumbag that he is, is hinting he might run for Peralta's seat in the Assembly now that it's vacant. Let's hope he gets the same response.

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