Friday, March 12, 2010

Hey, fishermen, feel sumthin' tuggin' atcher lip?

From the Charlotte Fishing Examiner's Articles section (?!) of the EssEffZam:

In what may be the worst example of outdoor sports reporting in the history of America, ESPN has claimed that President Barack Obama is on the verge of banning recreational fishing. writer Robert Montgomery posted an article today claiming that the administration's decision to end the public comment phase of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force means that Obama is likely preparing to issue an executive order outlawing recreational fishing in America.

This has to do with fishery abuses by commercial fishermen, not sportfishing. Extensive article.

The wingers have finally jumped the shark (heh) in Project Obama Fail.

President Obama may not be about to ban fishing but there are more difficult times for fishermen ahead. Before we start pointing fingers at environmentalists and believing wild conspiracies we need to look at fisheries management history and put the blame for this all where it really belongs.

UPDATE: You can read my current commentary on this here: Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh need to shut up about Obama fishing ban.

The truth of the matter, as I have repeatedly stated since ESPN started the Obama fishing ban myth earlier this week, is that the administration Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force is likely to recommend broad potential regulations on some ocean fishing which will not affect average recreational fishermen at all.

However, both Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh as well as the National Review and other right-wing bloggers are now reporting ESPN's false rumor that Obama wants to ban recreational fishing as essentially fact and trying to make themselves spokesmen for American anglers.

Meanwhile, some average fishermen are so confused by this they have turned fishing in America into yet another conservative versus liberal firestorm and are on the verge of tactually making recreational fishing into a Tea Party issue.

I and others like me have actually been accused across the internet of promoting an Obama administration plan to ban recreational fishing!

Well of course you have. The bastards are desperate and will grab at any straw to discredit Libruls and Obama, even a ridiculous thing like this.

If you're interested in this subject, there's a plethora of articles at the links. I bet we don't hear about it in the MSM.

I hear tell there's some pretty good fishin' inside the reef at Maheanuu's place. Do I gotta bring my own dynamite?

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