Friday, March 12, 2010

More "no" ...

If you think the Republican stonewall is just about health care, you'd be wrong:


Dodd got nowhere with GOP dinosaur Richard Shelby and felt he could do business instead with Tennessee GOP senator Bob Corker, only to find that Corker was giving on small stuff but stalling on the big piece, which was to establish a new agency to protect Main Street from Wall Street. With the legislative clock running out, Dodd finally took back control of the bill today and will go forward with a Democratic bill that will have the consumer protections in it that Wall Street and their GOP sluts have fought since Day One, as if the meltdown never happened. The GOP and Wall Street want the status quo, and yet for some reason Democrats have been afraid to make the GOP filibuster this bill, which is a perfect defining issue for the 2010 midterms.


I hope everyone out there has disabused themselves of the notion that Republicans actually care about the country or their constituents. It's all about assuring Democratic failure, the consequences be damned.

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